Enterprise/Dept process effectiveness++ Service

It is extremely important to ensure that the operations of an organization are process driven, so as to achieve the output having desired quality by design on a consistent basis. With this service, we work with you for achieving this.

Many organizations implement quality standards such as ISO 9001 and CMMI. However, in many cases, these do not become effective for the business.  Make your ISO or/and CMMI really effective for your EnterpriseMany times it is seen that these process certifications remain as ‘certificates on the wall’ and the process related work is perceived as an overhead and gets done only at the time of external audits.

With this service, we partner with you to make sure that the ISO or/and CMM­I really works for your business.


  • Service Highlights / Value addition to the organization:
    • Analysis of current operation and Development of new processes, if required.
    • Measurement of the effectiveness of the key processes.
    • Fine-tuning & alignment with business goals.
    • Tracking over desired (short/long term) period to ensure desired results.
  • Service Deliverables:
    • Evolving customized method/s for the measurement of effectiveness of desired processes.
    • Methods of tracking.
    • Related training/s, if required.
    • Engagement model, if required, to be involved over a long period to track and improve effectiveness.

Based on the focus desired by you, Process effectiveness++ service is available in following flavours:

In case of Enterprise wide Process effectiveness++ service the Scope is entire organization whereas Department/Team processes effectiveness++ service is focused on a particular department or a team such as specific project team.

Customer Relationship effectiveness++ is a special service focusing on customer related processes.